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Pros & Cons Feedback

Pros & Cons to Online Education

Are you wondering if online learning is right for you? Check out our detailed pros and cons list below that may help you make your decision about online learning clear.

CD-ED Student Views of Pros & Cons to Online Learning


  • Being able to maintain full-time employment while enrolled. This helps avoid gaining debt while studying to earn your diploma.
  • Flexibility with school schedule allows people to take care of their children, or loved ones with special needs, or physical impairments; while still having the time to focus on their studies.
  • The convenience of completing schoolwork wherever you are. The comfort of your own home, your favorite coffee shop, or sitting on a park bench enjoying the fresh outdoors.
  • The ability to create your schedule, and work around life events. You don’t have to miss out on special occasions due to the need of being in a classroom.
  • Not having to travel every day for class. You don’t waste time making a commute to and from school every day, spending time stuck in traffic, or having to worry about driving in poor driving conditions. This also helps save money that would be spent on gas, parking, bus passes.
  • Ideal if you live in a remote area, or the campus near you doesn’t offer the program you are looking for.
  • Save money on food, housing, and other expenses while studying on campus.
  • Working on your schedule makes it possible to work ahead in your program, and graduate early.
  • Distance learning is generally independent. However; email, phone calls, and the option to go remote provide a one on one learning experience.
  • You can focus on your work without common classroom distractions
  • Working with computers and through email, you don’t have to worry about missing parts of a lecture while taking notes or forgetting answers to your questions; because it is on your computer either on the Moodle or in your email.


  • One con was the time difference. So, if I had a problem in had to wait a day of waiting for a reply which isn’t a big deal in was usually able to step back and rethink the problem anyways.
  • Not having daily human interaction. You do not have classmates to bond with.
  • You can’t just put your hand up and have the instructor right there to help you with things.
  • You must be extremely self-disciplined. You do not have the accountability to show up for class every day. So, the onus is on you to take the time and do your schoolwork.
  • No group work or listening to others’ opinions on the topic of study. You must go with what you think.
  • Digital books and online instructions can take some adjusting too.
  • You may need clarity on what is presented in the curriculum.

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