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Here’s What Grads Have to Say About Their CD-ED Experience

Good Morning! I enrolled in the Office Administrative Assistant program through CD-ED in January of 2018, and I haven’t looked back! This program looked a little intimidating at first, but I was committed, and in the first couple of weeks it felt normal! CD-ED has been a great school to work with. I am happy with what I have learned, and the staff was committed to helping me every step of the way. Many great opportunities are awaiting within the Administrative field, and if you do the work and put yourself first, you’ll find them! Thank you to CD-ED!


Gretchyn, Office Administrative Assistant
(Office Administrative Assistant)

My name is Samantha Murzek and I am in the Dental Office Administration program. I love being a student at CD-ED. I can do my school work at my own pace. Without having to travel to a building, I saved so much time. With my extra minutes, I spend my time with my two very young daughters. I also have 2 part-time jobs. I am doing much better with my marks in this course then my other college programs in the past and it is very easy to get ahead of your schedule if needed. The teachers are easy to get a hold of, very helpful and understanding if you make an uploading error with your assignments. CD-ED is the perfect fit for me.

Thank you

Samantha Murzek, Dental Office Administration
(Dental Office Administration)

I decided to enroll in the CD-ED HIM program after a decade of being a Registered Massage Therapist. I suffered a broken elbow and decided it was time for a career change. This program appealed to me because it was still in the Health Care field and supported care but from a different facet. Distance Education fit my learning needs. Having a child to care for and continuing to work part-time, I wasn’t able to attend traditional college classes. CD-ED offered a full-time program with all the support from teachers, supplied textbooks, and provided experience required that also fit my schedule. I found the program to be flexible enough to be able to complete work as it suited my schedule and work ahead when possible, while still providing enough structure with weekly deadlines for assignments. I feel prepared and excited to start this new career in Health Information Management.

Katerina Simms, Health Information Management
(Health Information Management)

I chose to take the Accounting Technician course that CDED offered because I was stuck in life working retail and dead ends jobs without much time left in my day for my children. What drove me to seek out CDED, was being turned down for a job that I applied to. I felt that I needed to Educate myself to improve the quality of life for me and my family. I am not quite finished with my program but I am currently working full time in an office where this program has helped me achieve. My instructor has been amazing, she has helped me 100% throughout the program making things easy to understand and making learning enjoyable. I have always told my children that education is a weapon that nobody can ever take away from you!

Meghan Ginter, Accounting Technician
(Accounting Technician)

I am working as a Billing Specialist at Pointclickcare based in Mississauga, Ontario.

I am working remotely, working from home in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. I am blessed enough to have work with this pandemic still crushing people in different aspects of life.

The school experience was great. My instructor has always been around when I needed her and whenever I left a voicemail message, for instance, if I wasn’t able to speak with her because of our time difference, Lucy would get back to me as soon as possible.

The materials were helpful and the test was great to check your understanding of the modules. I liked doing this program at my own pace, provided I kept track of it and made sure I had enough time and even go ahead of the modules as much as I can. Although sometimes when I crammed, I would get nervous taking the test, LOL. Which is normal. But it is a relief to pass and get through it. It is also a way of testing yourself how to handle pressures. I enjoyed doing it and did not hesitate to ask, consult, and have one on one with my instructor, if I wanted clarification to understand the module better.

Remember that knowledge is power!

In reality, when we applied for work, it is like a pool, with a lot of people who have the same program as you. There are competitions.

For me to survive in the pool, I must learn how to swim, and swimming is what I called education. Once you can swim, you must work smart not hard. Perform by actions. Always find ways to make your work easier getting the same results.

Working in accounting/finance department, I believe you got to have an analytical mind, be attentive to details, and be confident working with numbers.


My Success Journey

People always want to start their journey at sunrise as sunrise represents hope, positivity, and new life. I would say that CD-ED is like the sunrise as it gives hope and new life to its students.

My name is Fatima Khurshid and I migrated to Canada in Dec. 2019 and in Feb. 2020 I had a baby. I had just started searching for a job as a certified Childcare Worker that the pandemic started and hopelessness, frustration, and fear engulfed everyone. In July 2020, new hope came into my life when Brian from CD-ED contacted me regarding my queries about Medical Office Administration program, the program that I started the following, i.e. September 2020.

The support I received from everybody at CD-ED was remarkable, starting from the first point of contact (i.e. Mr. Bain) through several instructors, they had been tremendously helpful and encouraging. They changed my life. My instructor, Joanne proved to be an amazing lady, who helped me everywhere and supported me whenever I felt lost. Through their support and mentorship now I can complete my program in May 2021, which is scheduled to be finished in Dec. 2021, which shows that I am 7 to 8 months ahead of my schedule.

Last but not the least, I would like to mention Mrs. Susan from the career service department (of CD-ED), who helped me in tailoring my resume so nicely that I am offered a job in the nearby clinic.

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Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Fatima Khurshid

The School Experience

Q. Why did you pick your program at CD-ED?

I choose Health Information Management CD‐ED because I always had a desire to work in the health care field. Having a background in computer science and business administration I wanted a program that would align with my previous education background.

In addition, cd-ed offered an online program compared to other institutions that only offered in-class teaching. This was flexible to me and enabled me to study when I was off work.

I also didn’t have to move based on the fact that I reside in Alberta.

Q. Which part of the course was the most enjoyable? Most challenging? How did you handle this?

In general, I enjoyed the entire course. I was very interested in all the subjects that they taught so I put in the effort to understand the subject material. I always knew what job I wanted to do so I made sure I understood every material and asked for help whenever I needed it.

The challenging part I found was not having enough contact with fellow students taking the program (unlike my previous courses where I went to class) but on the brighter side, CD‐ED has amazing instructors who offered support and feedback as soon as they were able to.

This helped with challenging assignments and understanding the concepts better.

Entering the WorkForce

Q. Where are you working now? What’s your job title?

I am working with Alberta Health Services as a clinical coding specialist

Q. What is a typical day like for you at work?

A typical day is me working an 8‐4 job with an amazing team of health information professionals.

I mostly do coding and abstracting of charts in all areas such as inpatient coding, emergency charts, clinics, and day surgeries.

My job is enjoyable because each chart is different and I get to learn a lot.

The other fun part is being able to share ideas among the team and learn and support each other.

Q. What program skills do you use the most in your work?

I mostly use my coding and computing skills, medical terminologies, anatomy, and pathophysiology all areas the program offered each course helps.


Q. Anything else you’d like to share about your overall experience?

I had an amazing experience taking the program.

The many assignments and practicums prepared me for the real job world. I did get hired as soon as I graduated.

To future and current students, take your time and understand what is being taught if you don’t understand ask for help.

While in placement treat it as your job oftentimes those are the places that will hire you once you graduate.

Best of luck to you all.


After going to college straight out of high school for business it did not take me long to decide that this was not the best career or learning environment for me.

I enjoy working with people and I was always interested in the medical field. So, after 3 years of trying to figure out where to go back to school, I came across CD-ED. I researched a few of the programs the school offered for medical then spoke with one of the representatives from Student Services and they helped me choose a Medical Office Administration program.

After starting the program in June 2019, it did not take long for me to realize I made the right choice with both choosing the program and CD-ED school, My favorite program that I took was Medical Terminology, learning all the different word parts and how they work together, however, when it came to Business English I did struggle so I reached out to my instructor and received the help I needed to make it through. After I graduated from my program, I began my job search applying everywhere I could.

In December of 2020, I applied for an administrative position at West End Medical Center for Dr. Malcom Medows-Younger. I felt so accomplished when I finally received a call for an interview, I made it through and was very fortunate to be chosen for the position. A typical day for me consists of answering phone calls, entering reports booking appointments for patients with the doctor as well as with the hospital to have X-rays, blood work, and other tests completed. I find many of the skills I learned throughout my time at CD-ED but learning to work independently and manage my time properly and prioritizing tasks that are the most important.

I had an amazing experience taking the Medical Administration program. To future and current students take your time and understand what is being taught; if you don’t understand ask for help. Best of luck to all!

Jenna Hoskin

I wanted a career change, but I didn’t have a secondary education that I was able to fall on, that’s when I discovered CD-ED knowing that I needed to maintain working full time. It was going to be a challenge, but I heard so many good things about CD-ED and they were not wrong.

Throughout the year-long Graphic Design program, I was supported and encouraged to push myself, I graduated on the president’s list which was an absolute honor. Now it was time to enter the job search phase, I was blown away by the amount of support that the Career Services department provided, they helped me recreate my resume geared towards the Graphic Design industry, gave me interviewing tips, and also provided me with a place I could apply in my area.

With all the support and preparation it didn’t take me too long to land a full-time Graphic Design position at a company that performs environmental studies in our Oceans. I am so excited to work every day and I owe it all to CD-ED.

Tanner Gerrans

Q. Why did you pick your program at CD-ED?

CD-ED presented an opportunity for me to earn my Health Information Management (HIM) Diploma online at my own pace. This allowed me to integrate my studies into my work, social, and family life effectively. In addition, CD-ED’s positive track record in HIM online education that is fully accredited by the Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA) made me confident that I would be receiving a quality education.

Q. Which part of the course was the most enjoyable? Most challenging? How did you handle this?

Online learning entails a great amount of discipline and commitment which is why I laud my instructors for closely monitoring my progress and for providing me with all the possible guidance that they can give. Not only were they subject-matter experts but they were also counselors and motivators. Some of them have become my career mentors up to this day.

Q. Where are you working now? What’s your job title?

I currently work as a Health Information Management Practitioner at Saskatchewan Health Authority.

Q. What is a typical day like for you at work?

I perform a variety of responsibilities from Release of Information to Quality Assurance, Coding, and Abstracting of Charts, Records Management, and other administrative functions.

Q. What program skills do you use the most in your work?

This career entails a high degree of analytical and critical thinking, time management, and attention to detail. These skills are not only taught in school but are also honed through the process of online learning.

Q. Anything else you’d like to share about your overall experience?

After acquiring my diploma, CD-ED did not stop there. I was provided with the tools to successfully challenge the CHIM National Certification Exam. Career Services then took over to assist me in my job hunt – from carefully developing my resume to identifying positions that I am qualified to apply for and how to ace job interviews. This gave me a competitive advantage. In less than a month after acquiring my Certified Health Information Management (CHIM) credential, I received my job offer. I can truly say that CD-ED was the right choice because they seek to see their students succeed! I am eternally grateful.

Best regards,
